Monday, 19 March 2007

A little post!!

I just thought that I'd type a few lines just to say that I'm still here!!

I feel busy at the moment, it seems that there are no minutes left in the day! And I seem so tired! Getting up is getting increasingly difficult! Particularly this morning when I pressed 'sleep' repeatedly for almost 30 minutes!!! Not good!! Which reminds me, Deb, how's the lent getting up going?

Work is hugely busy, I have lots of bits that need to be done this week as well and putting on a production next week, which is really not ready at all! Also I have lots of church meetings on this week, as well as a stressful Spurs replay tonight, and the cricket to keep up to date with!! I feel that my multi-tasking skills are being pushed to the limit......even though I am a girl and therefore usually have excellent multi-tasking skills!! ;)!!

Sending you all lots of love xxx


Amy and Amiability said...

I know how you feel! I accidentally "snoozed" for 54 minutes this morning. Needless to say I was later getting to work than I intended!

D Baynham said...

Mmmmm I like sleeping, I also like food and beer.

Take it easy this week see you Wednesday, how many men in how many ways?

debbie said...

getting up got stressful towards the end of term.... yes IM ON HOLIDAY already!!! and am in BRASIL!!! yay!!!! and so my getting up behavoir is back to what it was like when u were here - rolling out of bed when i hear people talking around the breakfast table.... lots of love, xxxx.

The Random One said...

I snoozed for an hour today, its just so hard finding motivation to get out of bed, try to climb off the top bunk without kicking the french guy below!

Did u get my postcard yet PJ?

Hope u had a fabulous birthday!

It's not easy being small said...

Amy - I think that we should have a competition on the 'snooze' issue - today I was even worse!! And I don't actually think that my brain has woken up yet!

Mr EB - I've known so many very many ways!!!!!

Deb - I am soooooooooo jealous! I want to be sitting round the breakfast table again with everyone!!!

R1 - Haven't had your postcard yet, but then if the one from FVentura is anything to go by - seeing as that took 3 months, am thinking that from Oz - we could be looking at around Christmas time!!!!

Teapot said...

You've known so many men in very many ways.................??????!!!!
The mind boggles at that one!!

D Baynham said...

Teapot, it's the lyrics in Pixies song for Saturday nights Songs from the Shows Songs from the Musicals...."I don't know how to love him"
he he he

debbie said...

hmmm.... good expanation... ?? Ju, ud hate it here at mo!! so many toads, beetles, bugs, flies, biting (blood sucking) bigger flies, spiders etc etc!! but its BEAUTIFUL and green!!! Am loving it! xxx

It's not easy being small said...

Deb - yes indeed it does sound horrific!!!! And what do you mean 'good explanation ??'!!!!!! xxx