Monday 29 January 2007

"Don't geddit"

Yes, in the often quoted phrase from my maths group I "don't geddit"

But today I have a problem from my Literacy group, this is unusual as I teach top literacy and therefore we don't normally struggle with the work. But today, they, and I are stuck on our work!!! So I thought I'd ask you all for some help!!

Can anyone solve this riddle?

What being goes on four legs in the morning,
Two legs in the afternoon,
And three legs in the evening?

Please help, it's bugging me!!

Lots of love xx

Monday 22 January 2007

Calling all cricket fans

Owing to the lack of excitement in the recent cricket tour I was thinking that we may need a little cheering up to help us get through the forthcoming world cup! (As unless there is some miracle I am not thinking that the current form of the England team will keep us amused!!) I am therefore suggesting that we could do a fantasy team and wondered if anyone would be up for that? I haven't quite thought it through, didn't know if it would be best to do one through a paper, I don't really know how the points system would work out? But thought that it may be good? What do you think? Anyone be up for that and any ideas about the best way to go about it?!!

Lots of love xx

Friday 12 January 2007

Two thoughts twice!!!

How apt!! Don't know how that happened!!!!

Two thoughts!

1. Am I in the wrong profession?!

OK, so I thought that the question to my class was simple enough after introducing our History topic: The Tudors:

Question: Who was Henry VII?
Answer: The first Tudor king was King Henry VII he was first to be chosen he was chose in 1485 he was married to Elizabeth and died in 1509. Henry lived in Lancatrain where as Elizabeth lived in New York.

Mmmmm.....I blame the teachers!!

2. Challenge

Read this the other day:
'When Dr Harry Ironside was a boy he heard about somebody who read the entire Bible every year. Impressed, he started reading and by age 14 he'd read the entire Bible 14 times! Consequently he was one of history's most influential preachers. ....People were amazed by his knowledge of the Scriptures and how he relayed them to others in simple everyday language....Just 15 minutes a day will take you through the entire Bible in less than a year...'

Anyway as I've never read the whole Bible all the way through I felt quite challenged to do this but, alas, I confess I still haven't even started to on my 15mins a day! (Not that I have any desire to be a preacher of course!!!)

Feeling a little distressed about my lack of even starting my plan, I read this today:

'When Dallas Cowboys' coach, Tom Landry, was asked how to build a winning team he said 'My job is to get men to do what they don't want to do, in order to achieve what they've always wanted to achieve.'..... Achieving greatness requires discipline - determined, deliberate, daily, definable actions with a clear goal in mind...'

So there we have it, I have to goal in mind just not quite there with the disclpline yet!! Anyone got any ideas to encourage me to get started?!!

Hope you're all having a good week,

Lots of love from the little one xx

Two thoughts!

1. Am I in the wrong profession?!

OK, so I thought that the question to my class was simple enough after introducing our History topic: The Tudors:

Question: Who was Henry VII?
Answer: The first Tudor king was King Henry VII he was first to be chosen he was chose in 1485 he was married to Elizabeth and died in 1509. Henry lived in Lancatrain where as Elizabeth lived in New York.

Mmmmm.....I blame the teachers!!

2. Challenge

Read this the other day:
'When Dr Harry Ironside was a boy he heard about somebody who read the entire Bible every year. Impressed, he started reading and by age 14 he'd read the entire Bible 14 times! Consequently he was one of history's most influential preachers. ....People were amazed by his knowledge of the Scriptures and how he relayed them to others in simple everyday language....Just 15 minutes a day will take you through the entire Bible in less than a year...'

Anyway as I've never read the whole Bible all the way through I felt quite challenged to do this but, alas, I confess I still haven't even started to on my 15mins a day! (Not that I have any desire to be a preacher of course!!!)

Feeling a little distressed about my lack of even starting my plan, I read this today:

'When Dallas Cowboys' coach, Tom Landry, was asked how to build a winning team he said 'My job is to get men to do what they don't want to do, in order to achieve what they've always wanted to achieve.'..... Achieving greatness requires discipline - determined, deliberate, daily, definable actions with a clear goal in mind...'

So there we have it, I have to goal in mind just not quite there with the disclpline yet!! Anyone got any ideas to encourage me to get started?!!

Hope you're all having a good week,

Lots of love from the little one xx

Friday 5 January 2007

Busy week!

There is just so much going on in the blog circles this week!! I have now come to the conclusion that my time was wisely spent when I was blogging before my meeting earlier this week!
We have discussions about marmite, pants, Christmas as well as being introduced to the orbs!! There's just so much to keep to keep up with!!
Seriously, I love hearing all your news. I love reading the posts and comments and knowing how you're all doing. It's cool too when people share their deeper concerns and thoughts, as it helps me to pray for you.
You're all such special people!!
Lots of love to you all, hoping that your day is a good one! xx

Wednesday 3 January 2007

Happy New Year - And more confessions!!

Well firstly, let me wish all bloggers a Happy New Year! Hopefully it'll be filled with many happy blogging hours!!

And just to say that today I am sadly back at work! On the bright side we don't have any children in today, which I always feel makes my job easier,(!!) but dragging myself out of bed at an early hour was indeed a difficult task!

Anyway, I arrived at work at 8.30am only to find that we didn't have a staff meeting until 10am. So I have been in my classroom since arriving trying to find some inspiration to get on with jobs that need doing...alas, I have given up and I confess that I am now blogging instead!!! Tell me is that bad?!!!

Ok am off now to do some focused work!! (I can but try anyway!!)

Love to you all xx