Friday, 12 January 2007

Two thoughts!

1. Am I in the wrong profession?!

OK, so I thought that the question to my class was simple enough after introducing our History topic: The Tudors:

Question: Who was Henry VII?
Answer: The first Tudor king was King Henry VII he was first to be chosen he was chose in 1485 he was married to Elizabeth and died in 1509. Henry lived in Lancatrain where as Elizabeth lived in New York.

Mmmmm.....I blame the teachers!!

2. Challenge

Read this the other day:
'When Dr Harry Ironside was a boy he heard about somebody who read the entire Bible every year. Impressed, he started reading and by age 14 he'd read the entire Bible 14 times! Consequently he was one of history's most influential preachers. ....People were amazed by his knowledge of the Scriptures and how he relayed them to others in simple everyday language....Just 15 minutes a day will take you through the entire Bible in less than a year...'

Anyway as I've never read the whole Bible all the way through I felt quite challenged to do this but, alas, I confess I still haven't even started to on my 15mins a day! (Not that I have any desire to be a preacher of course!!!)

Feeling a little distressed about my lack of even starting my plan, I read this today:

'When Dallas Cowboys' coach, Tom Landry, was asked how to build a winning team he said 'My job is to get men to do what they don't want to do, in order to achieve what they've always wanted to achieve.'..... Achieving greatness requires discipline - determined, deliberate, daily, definable actions with a clear goal in mind...'

So there we have it, I have to goal in mind just not quite there with the disclpline yet!! Anyone got any ideas to encourage me to get started?!!

Hope you're all having a good week,

Lots of love from the little one xx


JollyGreenGiant1982 said...

Havent really got a way to do that, as I also struggle with reading the bible too. My question to you Ju is where did u get a quote from an american football coach from? :)

Amy and Amiability said...

Sorry Ju, no good advice I'm afraid: I have been trying to read throught the bible since January 1st and am already 3 days behind! Mind you I am 5 days behind with my marking so it is all relative!

ScubaSis said...

As someone who doesn't have the discipline to drink less coffee let alone anything else, I don't have any helpful hints. However, I did borrow an 'Everyday with Jesus, Read the Bible in a year' reading plan about 20 years ago. I did it - but it took me over 3 years! So you could see that as either a hopeless shortfall on the intended goal - or an eventual achievement depending on your point of view. So if you don't mind your goalposts being widened a little, you can get there! The Orbs send their love by the way xx

timelord in the tardis said...

talking to 2 of my colleagues yesterday I heard of one who has promised a substantial sum to charity if he does not lose 10% of his body weight by the end of March.
My friend said this was too easy and the real challenge comes if your resolution is backed up with a cheque made payable to the worst cause you can think of. Deposit it with a reliable friend who will send it on if the resolution is not kept!
Who but a lawyer could think of such a devious plot!
So here I am waiting for your cheques!
..from scubasis payable to Patricia Hewitt and from Ju and Amy payable to Alan Johnson
Any better ideas?

debbie said...

im not great at it, but if u read three chapters a day u get through the bible in a year, so i just make sure by the end of the day iv done that, even if it is last thing at night in bed... (sometimes i get carried away and read more but thats rare...) also i colour in the books at the index at the front in different coloured pencils so each book has a specific colour and as im reading i highlight stuff that stands out - slightly girly but i like it, and makes me think about stuff more as i read it, only prob is when i loose a pencil i wont read anymore of that book untill i find it again! xx

Teapot said...

Eat more haribos?

It's not easy being small said...

JGG -maybe I have a secret desire to become an american football player - I think that my physique would be suited to the game!!!
Amy - I am always behind with my marking, esp - topic though with comments like that of the history nature you can understand my not wanting to look at the books much!!
Scubasis - Wow am impressed that you achieved your goal - no matter the size of the goalposts!!
Timelord - Very true - that is a devious plot!!! Not sure that I'm that convinced that I have enough determination to actually go through with sending you that cheque!!
Deb - Really impressed with you doing so well! And also love the coloured pencils thing - that's totally me too - I have lots of different coloured pens I colour code my prayer diary with!! We're so alike!!!!!
And Teapot - yes your idea is definately the best!!!!!!